Sell a fixed bundle of single products grouped together
Offer customers to mix & match products from a list of products
Offer customers to buy more to save more with volume discounts
Create a buy one get one free offer on single products in your store
Sell a fixed bundle with a free gift
Run a clearance campaign with a collection of bundles
Sell fixed bundles of fast and slow products to clear stock
Offer complementary products together as a single product
Offer frequently bought together items on product pages
Offer to bundle & save with a button under single product ATCs
Create top selling bundles and promote them as a collection
Offer customers to purchase single products in quantities
Upsell additional products when an item is added to cart
Offer customers to build their own personalized bundle
Offer to build a bundle with custom field to personalize the bundle
Offer mix & match bundles as products in collections
Offer to add products from collection A and B to get a discount
Pre-select product size for all items in a bundle
Create a full page build your own bundle experience
Sell complete looks as products
Offer AI based frequently bought together bundles
Offer customers to complete the bundle based on AI
Make a post-purchase offer just before the thank-you page
Offer rewards to customers based on cart value goals
Offer rewards based on customer's country
Allow customers to inspect products in the cart
Offer free shipping when customers purchase over $X
Offer a free gift when customers purchase over $X
Offer a cart discount when customers purchase over $X
Suggest recommended products based on AI
Add a slide cart to create a superior shopping experience
Offer to share the cart with friends and family
Make custom product recommendations in the cart
Add custom widgets to the cart with custom HTML
Upsell customers with an opt-in shipping protection offer
Gamify the shopping experience with rewards
Auto-group bundles in the cart with their respective discount
Offer to bundle & save from the cart based on existing fixed bundles